Chapter 3 - Shell Voicings

In this chapter, Brady Bills teaches you how to create a shell voicing with roots on the 6th and 5th string.

Chapter 4 - ii-V-I

In this chapter, Brady Bills takes you through the ii-V-I chord progression which is commonly used in jazz music.

Chapter 5 - Take the “A” Train

In this chapter, Brady Bills teaches you how to apply shell voicings on this popular tune Take the "A" Train.

Chapter 6 - Rhythm Changes

In this chapter, Brady Bills has you apply shell voicings to these common chord changes known as "Rhythm Changes"

Chapter 7 - Minor ii-V-i

In this chapter, Brady Bills teaches you how to play a minor ii-V-i chord progression and how it differs from a major ii-V-I chord progression.

Chapter 8 - Minor 6th Chord and Gypsy Jazz

In this chapter, Brady Bills teaches different voicings for minor 6 chords and also how to play in the Gypsy Jazz style.

Chapter 9 - Chord Inversions

In this chapter, Brady Bills teaches you how to play several different chord inversions and how to navigate through a big band chart.